
circa 2017-2021
A selection of previous work, side projects, and general fun.

LinkedIn Case Study
Feb - May 2021

This redesign aimed to improve the experience using LinkedIn based on insights gathered from multiple research methods on the ways that the platform affects user’s psyche. 

Our research from scholarly articles, contextual surveys, diary study, and autoethnographic research method showed that those who use LinkedIn generally have negative experience, with feelings of anxiety while using it to find jobs or connect with others. The two main pain points we identified was the 1) newsfeed and 2) overwhelming features. The redesign aims to improve those areas by reducing negative triggers and highlight positive ones. 

View the whole prototype

Culture Hub
Sept - Dec 2020

A tablet application to support the needs of Third Culture Individuals (TCI) to connect with their third culture(s).

TCI’s are often disconnected from their native cultures which lead to a lack of representation and belongingness in their formative years. We found that individuals identified a need to reconnect with others with similar experiences or learn more about their heritage to discover more about themselves. The pandemic escalated these feelings for young TCI’s discovering their identity and finding a sense of belonging, so my team dedicated this project to create communities of people with similar experience to foster that sense of belonging.

View the whole prototype

April - May 2020

Unplug is an initiative manifested in a marketing solution with multiple prongs. My partner and I discovered the issue of vampire energy (electricity used by electronic devices and appliances, even when they appear to be turned off), and we wanted to find ways to reduce energy wasted. Through our research, we found many simple solutions out there, but at the core of the problem was a lack of awareness on this issue. We choose to develop 3 different delivery methods (app, public installations, and outlet stickers) to educate people at different places online and offline.

Aug - Dec 2018

Combating food waste for college student. This booklet documents a 15-week project starting with research and ending with a final prototype and companion app. 

University Collective
2017 - 2021

Graphics, product design, and interiors record from my time in college:

1. rebranding work (logo, brand guidelines) 2. album cover design 3. hong kong based event design and graphic work 4. in-home lighting system generated by machine learning 5. ergonomic research, development, and design for an off-road vehicle 6. wall installation build 7. gratitude reminder light 8. homeless shelter design (bathroom shown) 9. hospital design (lobby shown) 10. programming document 11. youth center design model 12. marker illustration

Priscilla i Tsang 2024 
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